Online Fantasy Cricket: Why is it Popular in the Indian Gaming Market?

The gaming sector in India has expanded dramatically during the last two years. India will have 365 million gamers in 2020, and Statista predicted that number to increase to 510 million by the end of 2022. These numbers make it clear how advantageous the last two years have been for the gaming industry in India. A significant section of our sizable population turned to fantasy games in this trend gaming industry. A fantasy sport is a type of game that is frequently played online in which players put together fictional or virtual teams made up of stand-ins for actual professional sportsmen. Based on their players' statistical performance in actual games, these gamers have been qualified. The manager of each fantasy club selects a roster from which the performance is converted into points, which are then added up and totaled. These point systems may be straightforward enough for a "league commissioner" to manually calculate them while overseeing and managing the entire lea...